As you probably already know, my sister's and I are going on a five-day vacation with our Mama. That vacation starts today. What's awesome: where we're going, which happens to be Mama's grandparent's house, has a pool. We've been there before. It's AWESOME! The bad thing: My broken ankle. No pool-time for me. But they still have a really pretty backyard, and I'm bringing my computer (they just don't have internet bloggie). So at least I can write stories and enjoy the outdoors.

So...this is goodbye until Saturday.

Signing off,
Amythest, Famous Author

(P.S. I'm changing the name of my site. It's too long as it is. Now it's Soul  Writing.
I used to have an old blog with my sisters, titled Three American Sisters, but we never wrote or anything. I promise that this won't happen here. I will write as often as possible! I won't post as often as Mama posts on Girls Only, but I will still post often :) However, my owner's going away from Monday to Friday next week, so I won't be able to post then :( BUT I will post some of the pictures she takes there! Thanks!

-Amythest, Famous Author