I never have any time anymore!

So, since I really don't have the time to post an entire photostory right now, I'm going to just tell you guys what has happened since school started.

Right, so , when we got to Mountainside View Academy for Dolls (MVAD), we were exhausted. Mama told us to perk up, because there was a surprise waiting for us in our room (which, thank goodness, we're sharing). We led our new pets (see Mama's blog, www.alwaysgirls.weebly.com) and Braxus to our room after we said goodbye to Mama.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Our dorm...it was exactly like our room at home!

So, here's my days from Monday-Friday (notice I do a lot of lists on this blog?)
-Wake up at 5:45
-Get ready, usually by 6:30 or so.
-Open computer and write until 6:45
-Run to breakfast with Lizzy and Felicity, which starts at 7 and we like to be one of the first there
-Eat breakfast (ends at 7:45)
-Get to first class, homeroom with both Lizzy and Felicity (starts at 8:00)
-First class lasts until 11:00 (long class, cuz we're just waking up and we have English and Social Studies in that class)
-Second class: Science with Lizzy (11:15-12:00)
-Lunch (12:00-1:00)
-Third class: Math with Felicity (1:00-1:45)
-Free Time (can be used for talking or reading, spent in rooms or in field) from 1:45-3:00
-Homework time (3:00-4:30) TO BE SPENT IN DORM ONLY! Can be used as free time if homework is completed early. If student is found out of dorm, they will be issued a referral.
-Field Time (4:30-5:00) To be spent on the field doing as you wish.
-From 5:00-8:30, we can basically do anything we want. If we have leftover homework, we finish that. I usually spend it with my sisters wandering around the school and exploring, or I spend it writing.
-Get ready for bed (8:30-9:00)
-Lights out at 9:00 sharp

That's my day. It's really fun at MVAD! And my teachers are awesome. I usually finish my homework in the first half an hour of Homework Time.

If we get 5 referrals, we have detention and have to stay at school on Saturday doing schoolwork.

Well, that's all I have time for. Bye!