I. Love. Fall.

It's my favorite season. Winter would be my favorite season, but it doesn't snow where we live, so Fall is.

What does fall bring?

-Fallen leaves perfect for jumping in
-New blog design

I <3 Halloween.

By the way, this weekend I"m going to post my first photostory of us Doll's new school. Sorry I haven't posted it already...no time, no time!

Expect more posting this weekend!

Super duper sorry! I haven't posted in forever... :(

There just hasn't been any time!

Anyways, camp is over.

School starts next week on Monday.

Did I tell you about Braxus? Braxus is my best friend. She's a cat, black and white. I think I did a photostory on me and her a while back...or maybe that was Mama. Anyways, she's my best friend. My company. My cat.

I'll post some pictures of her sometime!
